Thirst for knowledge cultivates a seeker out of you.

  • Choose only the best in the present so that your future is good.
  • Today’s failure may be linked to tomorrow’s success.
  • Life sometimes gives you a very agile shock, then do not lose faith.
  • Only you can get satisfaction from good work.
  • Learn from the mistakes of others, learning by experimenting on your own will reduce your lifespan.
  • Peace is an energy that originates from within us.
  • You can change the outlook of life by giving yourself a dose of hopeful words.
  • Pessimistic people also become negative towards good events in life.
  • Discussion with yourself depends on your personality. This can affect the outlook.
  • You don’t have to be perfect to inspire someone. Let people be inspired by how you handle your flaws.
  • No matter how dark – Every night must return to daylight.
  • Ideas not coupled with action never become bigger than the brain cells they occupied – Arnold H. Glasow.
  • Never segregate spirituality from daily life.
  • Living in the present means not having regrets for the past, not worrying about the future. Life is what is now. It’s an incredible adventure, and you should give it your best.
  • Inner growth should always match material growth and achievements.
  • Thirst for knowledge cultivates a seeker out of you.
  • Give women a chance and non-violence will effortlessly be the religion of the new millennium.
  • The idea that you can harm somebody and do good to yourself – foolish as it is, a lot of people follow it and one should feel for their ignorance.
  • Communication is a symbolic process whereby reality is produced, maintained, repaired and transformed. – James Carey.
  • Never stop slow in life even if you believe that you are walking the fastest.