Success is accompanied by Criticism.

  • It should be remembered that success is accompanied by criticism.

  • If the parents stand up as the shield of the children, then nothing can stop them from being successful.

  • Everyone of us are different in our own way. Different in weakness and strength. You can’t compare a rose and a daisy or a sun and the moon. You are unique and that is what makes you beautiful.

  • Be happy with what you have. Be excited about what you want.

  • Maturity is when you are able to differentiate between need and want and are able to let go of your wants.

  • We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.

  • Get used to see simplicity in the complexMaster the small things. In the universe, difficult things are also done as if they were too easy.

  • The medicine only treats the illness, the patient becomes healthy only with the guidance of doctor.

  • When you start losing patience with someone, think about how much patience God has with you.

  • Our memory is a better world than the universe. It also resurrects those who have died.

  • There is only one goodness in life and that is love.

  • The captain of a ship is called a successful captain only when he makes every effort to save the ship from destruction.

  • A bad thought more than the fever damages the body.

  • One who cannot become a good servant can never become a good master.

  • We cannot calm the storm, it is futile to try.  We can keep ourselves calm, the storm itself will go away.

  • Maturity is when you are able to differentiate between need and desire and are able to fulfill your desire.