• Faith can overcome the greatest problems. When the darkness of fear, difficulties and disappointment surrounds us, it is the light of faith that guides us.

  • This world is going to judge you, no matter what you do. So do what you want to do anyway. Be real. Be true to yourself.

  • Life is the most difficult exam. Many people fail because they try to copy others, not realizing that everyone has a different question paper.

  • We might be the master of our own thoughts, still we are the slaves of our own emotions.

  • The most important thing is to try and inspire people, so that they can be great in whatever they want to do.

  • We have to draw our own line. People will keep saying, but you keep doing your work.

  • Everyone should know their purpose in life and should get involved in it.

  • If we cannot help others, they should not be hurt either.

  • In every life, it matters how well he loved?ย  How fully did he live?ย  How deeply did he let go of his frustrations ?

  • A man who loves fifty people has fifty crises. He who does not love anyone, does not have a single crisis.

  • Keeping anger is like holding on to the intention of throwing hot coal on another side, In which you only burn ; nothing else.

  • If we truly love ourselves, we cannot hurt anyone.

  • There are ups and downs in every relationship of the world, but that relationship is the most beautiful, which does not lose its patency even after every ups and downs.

  • One who has too many things, does wrong if he considers them to be the basis of happiness. Because happiness is not about excess baggage, but about giving too much.

  • Life is an experience. The more we experiment, the better it becomes.

  • There is nothing permanent in the world, not even our troubles.

  • Efficiency depends on your ability to work, the more you improve it, the more it improves.

  • Accept the challenges so that you can enjoy the joy of victory.