Don’t waste your life living someone else’s life.

  • It is necessary to define and give a name to adverse things or situations. It is better to stay away from habitually pessimistic people.
  • Years of struggle will one day strike you in a very beautiful way.
  • Whatever idea, suggestion, or mental picture the conscious mind believes to be true, the subconscious mind will accept it and it will give results by realizing every suggestion to the smallest detail.
  • Once your mind is completely still then your intelligence transcends human limits.
  • There is no need to cling to one’s opinion or doctrine for the rest of your life. You have limited time so don’t waste your life living someone else’s life.
  • Whatever we do, its effect is grand.
  • If you ever try anything, do not consider it small or wasted. Only small efforts bring color, you will definitely have this feeling, if not today, it will happen after a few years, but it will definitely happen.
  • He who is free is not aggressive, he does not desire to conquer anyone, he becomes so satisfied that he has no desire to show him that I am free. When does the flower announce that I have blossomed! The one who has got the system of the self, the verse of the self, does not even think of controlling the other.
  • Dreams have to be fulfilled by themselves. Neither the circumstances will be according to you nor the people.
  • Even if children are not good at listening to adults, they never fail to imitate them.
  • Better believe in the future, it’s where you are going to spend the rest of your future.
  • The first sign of human civilization was found when someone helped the needy.
  • Whenever a person has to change his thinking or his attitude, his whole life changes.
  • Do something out of the ordinary to stand out and see how you stand out.
  • Even geniuses have limitations, idiocy is boundless.
  • Man can never be free without knowing himself and understanding the inner workings.
  • Keep your thinking new, but old sanskars are good.
  • Decorate with a library – Books a certain charmshed even unread.
  • Love nature, stay close to it, then you will never be disappointed.