What we know is equal to a drop, and what we do not know is like an ocean.

  • In the Bhagwad Gita, Krishna says that if one leaves body while reciting the divine sound of ‘Aum’, then one will become free from material conditoning.
  • As human beings become more empowered, there is a fundamental need for us to become more conscious and responsible rather than reactive and compulsiveSadhguru
  • When Ishwar is with us, the breeze of hope touches everybody.
  • Sometimes bad times come to introduce you to some good people.
  • He is Limitlessso many worlds and lands for working out karma. So very many lessons to be learnt, so many ways of life, so many languages, so many dynasties of rulers, so many intuitive people, so many selfless servants, O Nanak, His limit has no limit – Guru Nanak Dev Ji.
  • By thought we rise; by thought we fall; by thought we stand or go; all destiny is wrought by its power.
  • If you believe in yourself, no work is impossible.
  • Every small change is a part of big success.
  • Even if one has little knowledge, no discretion, but if he has a lot of wealth, he will get respect in society, because the power of money is immenseThrough his influence, strangers also become our own.
  • Wealth comes from behavior more than the intelligence earned.
  • Making money is a science and spending is an art.
  • Mistakes are easy to curse and difficult to rectify.
  • People quickly recognize evil rather than good.
  • Need is the last but the strongest weapon.
  • It takes a long time to excel in maturity.
  • The truth can be hidden, but not destroyed.
  • The pain caused by the waste of money is the highest.
  • Friends should be judged by their actions, not by words.
  • Emotional burns also rise like flames.
  • We need to be cautious about our thinking. The power of ideas needs to be valued.
  • It can be more painful to make mistakes at an older age and then learn from it. While making mistakes at a young age and then learning from it is less painful.
  • Only with the strength of mental fortitude you can overcome sad situations.
  • What we know is equal to a drop, and what we do not know is like an ocean.
  • People without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture are like a tree without roots – Marcus Garvey.
  • Speech is silvery, but silence is golden.
  • Someone said – Don’t live in regret, manifest your purpose.
  • We are not separate from nature, we think like that so we feel separated from everything.
  • Successful people  spread rumours about success that it comes from suffering which is completely not true – Sadhguru.
  • Education is not just an accumulation of information but essentially about enhancing one’s ability to perceive.
  • Iron rusts from disuse. Water loses its purity from stagnation. Even so does inaction saps the vigor of the mind – Leonardo da Vinci.
  • Life cannot be preserved, dead things can be preserved. Life can only be nourished and used – Sadhguru.
  • The weak stop when they are tired and the winners stop when they win.
  • To attain self – realisation and success in life, three things are of paramount importance : to have unflinching faith in oneself ; to adopt a positive approach to life and to focus on one idea exclusively at a time – Swami Vivekananda.
  • If you have faith in all the 330 million Gods and still no faith in yourself, there is no salvation for you. Have unshakeable faith in yourself, stand upon the faith and be determined to achieve the targets you set – Swami Vivekananda.
  • Talk to your mind once a day, otherwise you will miss meeting an intelligent person in this worldSwami Vivekananda.
  • If we carefully observe our thought patterns, we may find that the mind can wander aimlessly and is engaged in a number of things simultaneously. These scattered thoughts render the mind weak. But chanting of the mantra ‘Aum‘ during meditation and listening to its sound with rapt attention, goes a long way in increasing one’s power of concentration.
  • Take up one idea, make that one idea your life. Think of it, dream of it, let the brain muscles, nerves, every part of your body be full of that idea and just leave every other idea alone. This is the way to success – Swami Vivekananda.