We close the doors of our thinking to most of our feelings.

  • Motivation is what gets you started . Habit is what keeps you going.
  • People with low self esteem are 80 % more likely to criticize others or put them down in order to make themselves feel better, tougher and smarter. Bit people who are confident with themselves are more likely to take things as they are and enjoy them.
  • The mind can be convinced but the heart must be won.
  • A person who is restrained in his behavior and tongue saves his soul from the miseries. Therefore, think before you speak.
  • When someone ignores, then be absolutely neutral and balanced. Simply, neglect and then ignorance will not disturb.
  • Love doesn’t mean that you are crying for your lover all day, but to encourage him/ her and to find new ways to start again with a bang.
  • Children feel that sweetness is the only good taste. They conclude tastes such as bitterness and sourness cannot be good and so they tend to avoid them.
  • We assume that only happiness is desirable and all other feelings are not ; we close the doors of our thinking to most of our feelings.