We can give our children two BASIC THINGS – one is ROOTS and the other WINGS.

  • Do not impose too many limits on yourself. The more you dream, the more you move forward.
  • The one who has the force, the one who has Lakshmi. But force does not mean just weapons, but healing, the moral force with virtue, truth, religion and character. This is why health has been called the best wealth.
  • You do better when you express your feelings among people because with those expressions you give way to let your likes and dislikes come out.
  • Failing is a chance for you to try better the second time.
  • Character building is very important for success in human life.
  • STILLNESS is embracing the beauty of going deep within KNOW THYSELF.
  • We can give our children two lasting request – one is ROOTS and the other WINGS.
  • If you search for everything beautiful in this world, you will eventually become.
  • The heart should be such that it is never hard, the nature is such that it is never tired and touch is such that it never hurts.
  • To defer means to cheat time.
  • You bend many times, break many times. It then takes a better shape.
  • Enthusiasm and satisfaction are famous for enhancing and preserving the beauty of the face.
  • A small key opens a big heavy door.
  • This world belongs to him who has come out to win it with laughter, full confidence.
  • Happiness is a gift not to be expected. When found, it should be enjoyed.
  • Success owes its origin to sheer hard work, perseverance and unwavering commitment to one’s work! How right was someone in his assessment in saying – ” There is no shortcut to success. “
  • Winning an argument against a wise person is hard, but winning against an ignorant is impossible.
  • In the share market, 99% of people fail who say this is gambling and 1% make their career. So the majority says that it’s gambling and 1 % say that it’s a great career. Exactly 1% humans or less than that achieve spirituality while others say it’s fake.
  • Coins make the most noise in pocket.
  • If you want to achieve something in life, then change your ways, not your intention.
  • A woman is fragile, sensitive & often vulnerable who thrive in love, but doesn’t need rescuing, she is her own Knight in shining armour.
  • Let go of all the purposeless drama, aimless time – wasters and clutter that keeps getting in your way. It’s time to focus on what matters.
  • The man is very fortunate, whose fame is not more luminous than his truth.
  • Learning/Education begins with surprise.
  • Intuition is seeing with the soul.
  • Believe it can be done. When you believe something can be done, really believe, your mind will find the ways to do it. Believing a solution paves the way to solution.
  • Intuition manifests in the calm consciousness as feeling, perceived mostly through the heart. When such feeling comes, you receive through it a definite sense of right direction and unshakable conviction.
  • The best friend is the one who finds mistakes so that the best can come out.
  • Arrogance and ego are ornaments of insecure. When you have knowledge you have humility. When you have humility you create space for learning and growth. And when you create that space you create an atmosphere conducive to all. Else the downfall is imminent.
  • Great achievements are not easily achieved, they are not great if found easily.