Victory is certain….

  • Not glass, but become a diamond after being tempered in time, so that it can shine even in the dark.
  • Always believe in moments. The time when you are doing the work is best for you.
  • The secret of prosperity lies where there is no despair.
  • It is most important to identify your shortcomings; these cannot be left to others.
  • If our mind is clean and free from the feelings of jealousy and hatred, then believe me, our life will be filled with happiness and peace.
  • Difficulties not only make you stronger, they also make you the best you.
  • If you want something good to happen then you have to start it.
  • If the intention towards the goal is firm then the obstacles in the way will automatically disappear.
  • If you don’t lose from yourself, your victory is certain.
  • Self-confidence and honest hard work are such things that can achieve any goal.