Understand the value of TIME on TIME.

  • Be careful when people praise you because the biggest mistakes are when you’re living the best of times.
  • It is very important to blame yourself for your decision. You will learn from that and then you will never repeat that mistake.
  • The real function of man is to live, not to survive.
  • Inspiration is not waiting to be found, one has to wander in search of it.
  • Live not because of what the world thinks of you, but because of what you think of yourself.
  • There is only one way to start… and that is to start. Starting with hard work and patience. Be prepared for every disappointment.
  • If you understand the value of time on time, then it becomes easy to achieve success.
  • Friendship multiplies the good of life and divides the evil.
  • You can be good at four things but focus on two.
  • The human EGO can grow without any nourishment.
  • Professional efficiency is not a principle, it is a way of living and performing everyday tasks.
  • The best time never comes, the time has to be made perfect.
  • What you know doesn’t matter to anyone, it matters what you can or doing right now.
  • Hope acts as a catalyst. It can also remove seemingly impossible obstacles from your path.
  • Your splendid abilities do not depend on circumstances.
  • Don’t get discouraged by repeated failures. Sometimes the last key in the bunch opens the lock.
  • A rational person proceeds by his thinking and understanding and not because of feelings and desires.
  • Any teacher can take a child to the class, but not every teacher can teach the child to receive education.
  • When you believe something is impossible, your mind goes on trying to prove why it is so. But when you believe that you can do something, then the mind helps you find ways to do it.
  • Capability is the ability to improve what we are already doing, whereas ability means doing more of what we are doing. When you increase both, then there is progress.
  • The defining function of the artist is to cherish consciousness.
  • Iron rusts due to misuse, stagnant water lose its purity, in the same way, inaction sucks the power of the mind.
  • We all have immense potential to lead a fulfilling life.
  • We have the potential to achieve great things and live a life full of happiness, achievement, and ultimate joy.
  • Man’s life is to fight against tyranny.
  • We choose them long before we experience our joys and sorrows.
  • It is important to keep asking ourselves what good we can do, how we can improve life and our work.
  • Unless you try to do any work, it seems impossible.
  • Words are not important but thoughts survive.