• Turn your feelings of insecurity into stories, not in fear of yourself or in forming opinions about others.
  • A warm hug could be one of the most grateful, fascinating and comforting actions, a kid expects to have.
  • Let us be grateful. Not for the material things given to us, but the small ways that we give something to others.
  • The loneliest people are the kindest, the saddest people smile the brightest, and the most damaged people are the wisest. All because they don’t wish to see others suffer as they do.
  • The biggest support during difficult times is hope, which gives unswerving belief that all will be well.
  • The price of things is before it is received and the value of human beings is after it is lost.
  • Talent means to keep the new branches bursting in the intellect. New imagination, new enthusiasm, discovery and new vigour are hallmarks of talent.
  • People who say you are just as old as you feel are all wrong, fortunately – Russell Baker.
  • Healing comes from fixing the present and future, not from fighting legacy battles – Sunil Jain.
  • Weather we laugh or cry, the days will go by.
  • Just like every other decision, happiness is also a decision.
  • Resolve to remain Happy, no matter what.
  • Take a decision to remain courageous, no matter what.
  • Worrying is not an outlet through which we can drain away our sorrows.
  • True happiness is found when there is a purpose in life.
  • Relationships are very important to get ahead in life, this is what brings true happiness.
  • If there is a lack of purpose in life, even after achieving success, nothing matters in the end.
  • True happiness means doing something meaningful every day.
  • Failure is a part of life, do not let fear leave you in the way of success.
  • Do not let it be expressed what you have thought, wisely keep it a secret and be determined to do it.
  • The root of all suffering is attachment. Therefore one must give up attachment to be happy.
  • Whether it is right or wrong, happiness should be that this decision is yours.
  • There is only one way to know the time limit, to get beyond the impossible.
  • Bargain; so both parties think they got the best deal.
  • “Doubt is a pain too lonely to know that FAITH is his twin brother.” Khalil Gibran.
  • Humility is your true success.
  • Success is only in your thoughts. If you want, you can bring change.
  • Gratitude is such a magic, by whose practice miracles occur.
  • Knowledge is a treasure, but practice is its key.
  • Gratitude means giving thanks.
  • Worship is not by rituals, but by purification of the soul.
  • Only through the light of knowledge, the darkness of the human mind can be removed.
  • If you have a crowd of negative thoughts around you, then overcome them, otherwise, they will make you like them too.