Try to forget and you will remember. Try to remember and you will forget.

  • Exclusiveness in devotion is extremely important. The word in Sanskrit is ‘Ananyata‘ , which means ‘no other‘. In other words – Loving only God.
  • All activities of mansocial, political, religious – should be guided by the ultimate aim of realisation of God and that the immediate service of all human beings becomes a necessary part of the endeavor, simply because the only way to find God is to see HIM in HIS creation and be one with it. – Mahatma Gandhi.
  • Let go of what you are holding on to so tightly ; to release yourself and see what you have been missing.
  • whatever I hold on is always so tight.
  • Why is it so difficult to let go to release myself ?
  • Happiness remains ever elusive and the strong belief is that it is unattainable and sadly such thinkers slip back to lead life of quite desperation.
  • Try to forget and you will remember. Try to remember and you will forget.
  • Trained mind is required to live a blissful life.
  • Success is a consequence of your hard work and perseverance.
  • The mind can be the cause of bondage or liberation. The destination is your choice. You can use your mind to attain complete freedom or you can use it to be tied up in the chains of bondage. The choice is yours.
  • It is the limited identities of religion, race and nationality which breed conflict and violence – Sadhguru.
  • Children are not startups and parents are not Angel Investors.
  • Heirs of wealth can be more than one, but we are the heirs of karma only.
  • Every problem of the world gets bowed down in front of courage.
  • What you will become in life depends on who you follow.
  • The most uncommon thing in life is common sense. It is difficult to find people with common sense.
  • Love and pride cannot live together under one roof.
  • Love is a war of sorts.
  • Happy are those who courageously defend their beloved thing.
  • The same person is happy who has broken the chains that hurt the mind and has freed himself from anxiety forever.
  • Habits gradually become the character.
  • Living a bad life is also a kind of death.
  • Work with energy and age. It is not known when the old age comes down.
  • The attitude of being adamant on your words can become a big obstacle in your progress.
  • Imagination can increase your learning speed.
  • Living within the scope of your earnings and the ability to discipline yourself for saving can only help you in life.
  • If the people around you are living in extreme suffering, then your prosperity has no meaning.
  • All people make mistakes and repeat them.
  • Perfection is an illusion, because no person can be perfect in all ways.
  • Turning negative thoughts into positive leads to positive results.
  • The older you get the more memories you gather, but the things which you have grown up with, hold a very special place in your heart.
  • You cannot control how many difficulties will come in your life, but if you are determined then you will definitely win.
  • As long as fate indicates defeat, then victory should be insistent.
  • People at war with themselves will always cause collateral damage in the lives of those around them – John Mark Green.
  • Life is certain, but death is uncertain.
  • Inhalation is the first breath that you take and exhalation is the last breath we take – Sadhguru.
  • Mortality is the fundamental reality of our existence – Sadhguru.
  • If you are born, you will die for sure. Just do good with all people around you. You can’t do anything with the soul.
  • With every breath, we are inching closer to death like a lamp which is running out of oil.
  • Your education must benefit everyone, not just you – Sadhguru.