Try to be a part of solution and not a victim of the problem.

There was a king who had a foolish son. He tried his best to groom him for his future role, but the young prince only went from bad to worse.

One day, he fancied himself to be a hen. He sat under a table and when asked to come out, he said ,” I am a hen. Don’t sit next to me.”

The saint replied -“I am also a hen, but those people out there don’t realise that we are hens.”

He built a rapport with the prince, slowly, the saint took his seat at the dining table and made the prince eat, saying they had to prove that hens could do everything that humans could.

Thus, step – by – step, the saint brought the prince back to normalcy.

We should look at the problems as training grounds in vital skills and should learn from them.

So, Try to be a part of solution and not a victim of the problem.