To engineer yourself is about realising the full potential of what it means to be human – Sadhguru

Kindness is loaning someone your strength instead of reminding them of their weakness.

If you don’t read the newspapers, you are uninformed. If you read them, you are misinformed.

A society that keeps cures a secret so they can sell medication for huge profits is not a real society but a mental asylum .

To engineer yourself is about realising the full potential of what it means to be human – Sadhguru

Follow your bliss and the universe opens doors for you where there were only walls – J. Campbell.

Rumor is not always false.

The one who is given the liberty to sin, commits the least sin.

The lust of power and power, is the passion that burns the heart the most.

Being considerate and taking peaceful decisions is a virtue in a leader.

Dying out of respect is better than living in disgrace.

It is the nature of man that one always wants to avoid helplessness.

Earlier we used to be troubled by crime, now we are by law.

I myself am my closest neighbor.

There is a strange attraction in forbidden things.

The anger of those who live with us is more violent.

Do something so that the person turns red with shame on his own.

Today is a difficult day, tomorrow will be even more difficult but it will be beautiful day after tomorrow.

Most opticians want to change your image.

Law of Karma says that for every cause there is an effect and every effect has an underlying cause.

As long as you think everything is predestined you feel weak and powerless. When you realise that everything springs from you, you regain your zest and enthusiasm.

The law is – as you think so you become.

A happy man creates happy world; an ill-tempered mind projects an angry world.

A small mind focuses on petty, insignificant things .

A mature mind sees beauty and grandeur in the universe.  Look at life with joy and enthusiasm and sadness vanishes.

Success is the constant progress towards one’s personal goals.

How much life you have lived and how much money you have earned is not life, but how deeply it touched the lives of others, it matters.

People without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots – Marcus Garvey.

You don’t stumble upon your heritage. It’s there, just waiting to be explored and shared – Robbie Robertson.

India is the cradle of the human race, the birthplace of human speech, the mother of history, the grandmother of legend and the great grandmother of tradition – Mark Twain

The biggest use of life is to put it into something that remains after it – William James.

Take so much time in your own progress that there is no time to do evil to others.

Stop trying is like closing the door of victory.

Wishes are not fulfilled immediately. These take time. You cannot think of harvesting seeds immediately and reaping the crop. The work that is to be taken will take as much time.

Those who get happiness become rich and those who give, they are not poor. Smile states that the world is happy. It brings happiness, gives goodwill.

Once you decide to be happy, you will never be unhappy in life.

Happiness must be found inside you, just as a musk deer finds the scent of musk in the forest while that scent is found in the musk of his own navel.  Such happiness is inside us and we seek it out.

Love is tyrant sparing none – Pierre Cornille