Thought is the building block of life.

  • “One who plants a tree knowing that he will never be able to sit in its shade has begun to know the meaning of life.”, Rabindranath Tagore
  • If you build a library in your home, consider that another spirit has started beating in your home.
  • Thought is the building block of life. In the armoury of thoughts, we can fashion weapons of destruction or design our excellence. We can create a powerful environment in the mind, in which good tendencies flourish and evil propensities perish.
  • No crisis is greater than a man’s courage. He who does not fight loses.
  • We can’t always choose who will come into our lives, but there are lessons to be learned from them.
  • You can make progress or make excuses, but not both.
  • We cannot decide the length of life, but we can ensure depth by making our life successful and meaningful.
  • Dreaming about the future is more beautiful than the history associated with the past.
  • Income tax – A FINE for reckless thriving.
  • The hero may not be braver than anyone else, but he only lasts five more minutes.
  • Not only favorable opportunities are needed to do something, but a strong mind is also needed.
  • A critic is someone who knows it all.
  • Even good deeds need proof.
  • If you are not failing again and again then you are not doing anything new.
  • Enjoy the little things in life because one day you will look back and realize that they are big things.
  • If you want to fly, drop everything that pulls you down.
  • There is nothing comparable to a good book, but the truth is that there is no enemy like bad literature.
  • Reading books by good writers is like talking to people of the past centuries.
  • It is only after rebelling that awareness is born.
  • After a certain age, as a human being, he is responsible for it.
  • All the power of the universe is contained within us. We are the ones who cry for darkness with our hands on our eyes.
  • Either I will find a way, or I will make a new way.