The only weapon against bad ideas is better ideas.

  • Trouble comes to everyone, some get scattered and some shine.
  • Happiness is not a ready-made thing, it is achieved through actions.
  • Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing about.
  • “Faith brings confidence. Confidence without clarity is disastrous.” Sadhguru.
  • Everything has been said before, but since no one listens, we have to go back and repeat it.
  • Man cannot discover new oceans unless he dares to lose the shores.
  • Nothing is achieved without hard work, even the shadow comes after coming into the sun.
  • Sometimes the best way out is through.
  • If you don’t see yourself as a winner, then you cannot perform as a winner. – Zig Ziglar
  • Going back cannot be a new beginning, but a new beginning can lead to a better ending.
  • Our aim should be not to be like each other, but to recognize each other and learn from them.
  • Whatever you do, it all adds up to your skills and becomes a part of it, which can help in achieving better results in future.
  • If the wounds don’t go away, they heal quickly. Smiles can remain forever if they are not removed.
  • Very few people value time. Those who measure are successful in life and those who waste time, understand that they are destroying their life too.
  • Thank your enemies for letting you know who your friends are.
  • The only weapon against bad ideas is better ideas.
  • Always remember your real face. Remembering the real face means recognizing your inner attitude which ultimately helps one to be happy in life.