Struggle makes victory even greater.

  • In order to lead a happy life, we should constantly try to change our attitude in difficult situations.
  • Self-discipline is the golden link to higher success and meaningful life.
  • Most women believe that they married beneath them.
  • The inferiority Complex is the exaggerated sense of our unimportance.
  • Do not lose discretion in adverse moments and if the faith remains firm, then it becomes easy to get out of any vortex.
  • It’s nobody’s responsibility to make you happy.
  • Everyone agrees with you, not necessary. Learn to accept the truth by keeping your point clear.
  • Suffering is not a synonym for sacrifice.
  • We become very good lawyers for our mistakes and very good judges for the mistakes of others.
  • Humans can never eradicate their bad habits from the root, they can only change them.
  • Every game is played according to its own rules. If the rules are removed from the game, then the game will be a riot.
  • Nothing in this life is more enjoyable than conquering your bad habits.
  • You have got to be Great before you can be Humble.
  • Inventions are the most important product of our creative mind.
  • Struggle makes the victory even greater.
  • Immigration is just another form of Flattery.
  • The happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts.
  • Never think of the future, it will be here tomorrow.
  • Only the fruit of destruction comes on the tree of ego.
  • Every day we face our own Mount Everest while climbing the mountain of life.
  • There are only two ways to spread light… Be it a lamp or a mirror, which reflects it.
  • Success doesn’t have to be chased. Success attracts the person who becomes worthy of it.
  • The more you know, the less you need to say something.
  • Successful people are always the ones who take the time to find out what they do best and with the most joy.
  • Optimistic people are more effective in every area of life.
  • If there is peace in the mind, then there is more clarity in the goal and thoughts.
  • A Dead Mystery Author is a Ghost Writer.
  • If you want to achieve success, you have to develop the will to achieve the goal.
  • If you work only for the reward, then it will seem difficult.
  • True life is lived only when change starts with oneself.