Stop repeating simple mistakes and adopt simple good habits.

  • The most important responsibility lies with the teachers. They give the child wisdom and strength of character.
  • Be aware of the choices, decisions, and habits you make today if you want to keep moving forward in life. Your future is going to take shape because of them.
  • The decisions we make today, no matter how small they may seem, will prove to be responsible for our successes or failures, our progress, or our significant results in the future.
  • As tempting as success may seem, the road to achieving it can be repetitive, monotonous, and even adventureless. But this is called a disciplined life.
  • If you are ready to give two to three years to any good habit, then be ready to reap its sweet fruits.
  • Life is the name of getting big success in small steps. A person who burns 200 calories a day will always be more successful than someone who doesn’t do even that much.
  • There are two keys to success : Stop repeating simple mistakes and adopt simple good habits. Success will not come by sitting in one place and waiting for it, for that regular and continuous effort will have to be made in the right direction.