Solitude is in the human mind.

  • Forget about others. You learn to be loving by your nature, not because of somebody else or something else.
  • It does not take any spiritual teaching to become loving, compassionate and peaceful. It is just simple sense.
  • Compassion is not condescending kindness. It is a passionate engagement with everything around you.
  • Don’t give out trust unconditionally. Unconditional trust takes work.
  • When you go to bed at night, have for your pillow three things- love, hope, and forgiveness. You will be awakened in the morning- with a song in your heart!
  • When the student is ready the teacher will appear.
  • Musicians never die, they just decompose.
  • Change before you have to – Jack Welch.
  • If the goal is to prepare for everything at stake, then the win is fixed.
  • Solitude is in the human mind.
  • The EGO is the root of all unhappiness.
  • The boat of hope can even cross the sea.
  • Work as if everything depends on you, pray that everything depends on the Lord.
  • Paranormalists rework ideas that normal thinkers reject.
  • The more a person has been coloured in the colour of knowledge, the more it is coloured in the colour of karma.
  • The science of today is the technology of tomorrow – Edward Teller.
  • Decisions are most affected by the impulse of thought.
  • Most of the decisions of a person with a positive outlook in life are right and in everyone’s interest.
  • Optimistic people make decisions based on their goals, desires and needs.
  • Negative decisions are based on fear, while positive decisions are based on expectation.
  • People who receive new information due to positive thoughts, develop amazing skills in solving difficulties.
  • Positive people are flexible about things. Personally as well as professionally.
  • The idea is neither good nor bad. The idea is wind, it is wind.
  • The best preparation for tomorrow is to give your best today.