Saying and doing are two things – Matthew Henry.

  • A man knows how to count his difficulties, he never counts happiness, which is most important.
  • Strength is always given to the person who has the courage to bow down.
  • Finding the way to the destination is the essence of hope.
  • Your thoughts are associated with your peace, your happiness and your happiness.
  • Complications of life are a cause of unrest. The more we analyze them, the more complex life becomes.
  • A coach is someone who can give correction without causing resentment – John Wooden.
  • A joke is new to the one who never heard it.
  • Reduce your desires and see happiness everywhere.
  • Every situation comes to teach us something. If we succeed, it’s good. We can move to the next thing. If we don’t, we learn what not to do.
  • Inclusive, good – quality education is a foundation for dynamic and equitable societies – Desmond Tutu.
  • Don’t blame people for disapointing you, blame yourself for expecting too much from them.
  • When you realize that it is no longer possible to achieve the goal, then change the efforts to achieve it, not the goal.
  • If the future is to be corrected, assess your past.
  • Treat the problem as a part of life and believe that the problem will keep on coming because when you are not permanent then how can the problem be permanent.
  • Money talks – but those who have it don’t.
  • Saying and doing are two things – Matthew Henry.
  • Time and patience is the power on which a person can achieve difficult goals.
  • We cannot escape the circumstances. It is better that we accept them and work on a solution.
  • A happy person is one who is so satisfied in the present day that he does not think too much about the future.
  • Your mind will remain calm while always ready to change.
  • When we start paying too much attention to the lives of others, then the peace of our lives begins to wane
  • Everyone feels that they know how the front man should live, yet they do not know how he should live his life.
  • Every person in this world can do whatever he wants to do. That too at any turn of life.
  • When there is a purpose associated with our work or we live with a purpose, we feel more positive in ourselves.