Pain is a necessity for man to reset his aims higher, wider and deeper.

A meditative Monk is a DEEP FRIAR.

Chains of habit are too light to be felt until they are too heavy to be broken.

Fortune befriends the bold – Emily Dickinson.

If we have the power to make someone happy, then do it. Because the world needs it more.

If you feel pain, you are alive. If you feel other’s pain, you are a human being.

Success is not given, it’s earned on the field, in the gym, with blood , sweat and occasionally tears.

Express yourself to someone who cares for you, not to someone who needs you, because ‘CARE’ is a special commitment.

If you make discipline a part of life, this is what makes you great.

We don’t know what tomorrow will bring. So don’t stay angry for too long. Learn to forgive and love with all of your heart. Don’t worry about the people who don’t like you. Enjoy the ones who love you.

There are known knowns. There are known unknowns. But there are also unknown unknowns. There are things we don’t know, we don’t know – Donald Rumsfeld.

Through birth and death, wherever thou leadest me it is thou, the same, the one companion of my endless life whoever linkest my heart with bonds of joy to the unfamiliar… Grant me…That I may never lose the bliss of the touch of the one in the play of many – Rabindranath Tagore.

Pain is a necessity for man to reset his aims higher, wider and deeper.

Pain is the hammer of God to break a resistance in the mortal’s heart.

Man treats all difficulties and traumatic events like a speed breaker. He , someone negotiates the speed breaker and once past the speed breaker , he is back on the same road.

Those who ignore the future dig the trench of the future.

Life is like cycling. To maintain balance you have to keep going – Albert Einstein.

All of us are equally intelligent and equal fools before God – Albert Einstein.

Knowledge is the foundation on which the building of success can be firmly built.

Only those who know in life are successful.

Being afraid means that our mind is not fully developed as well.

Every person’s happiness and sorrows are completely different.

There will definitely be a time when you will be happy about your difficult time.

The best time of our life passes quickly.

Only with patience and understanding can you win the bad times.

Preserve today, tomorrow will be beautiful with this.

No matter what you know, it does matter what you can do now or what you are doing right now.

When we change, the world changes. The key to all change is in our inner transformation – a change of our hearts and minds. This is human revolution. We all have the power to change. When we realize this truth, we can bring forth that power anywhere, anytime and in any situation – Daisuka Ikeda.

If we bring a positive change in our behavior by one percent, then our way of thinking will change. Just we have to pay attention to our behavior and words.

If someone has helped you or behaved well or has given you some good memories, then definitely say thank you. By acknowledging goodness and expressing gratitude, we feel more joy and positivity, which improves health and strengthens relationships.

What you want to achieve in life is already in you. The roots of your values and desires become stronger with time. When they are cared for, they produce the fruit they desire.

When you bring your purpose and personality in a rhythm, then no one can match you.

In order to make the world beautiful, it is important to work hard and do our own work by recognizing the uniqueness inside.

When someone recognizes the real purpose of his life and starts to move forward, then his eyes glow the most. It is the greatest pleasure to see someone’s happiness.

Don’t look for the good people in life, be good yourself.

If you learn to laugh at your own stupidity, all your rubbish will turn in to manure very fast. And manure is good for growth – Sadhguru.

Some people have a train of thought that never reaches the station.

The only cure for grief is action – George Henry Lewes.

Your time is too valuable to worry about what people think about you.

Happiness requires focus and balance and is never dependent on the energy of others.

True happiness is a mind that is at ease and peaceful, a heart that sings its own rhythms and the life that seeks its true purpose. Seeking can be as pleasurable and fulfilling as finding sometimes.

The one thing I want to leave for my children is an honourable name – Theodore Roosevelt.

Who has the reasons to live, he can bear anything.