• Success will come easy once you function at your full potential.
  • Success is not always what you see.
  • Life does not get easier, you just get stronger.
  • Don’t make up problems, if there is none.
  • Be smart ! No one cares about your efforts, only results.
  • Happiness depends upon your attitude, not on what you have.
  • Never give up ! You never know, how close you are.
  • Appreciate what you have . No body knows when the last goodbye is.
  • Hope is a desire that things will turn out the way you’d like them to.
  • Confidence is a trust in your own ability.
  • A confident person is sure about his / her own abilities. An optimist assumes the best possible outcome.
  • You may have your own principles or your own beliefs but that doesn’t mean that you cannot respect somebody else’s beliefs.
  • If something is important enough, even if the odds are against you; you should do it.