solution for NCERT Punjabi and Hindi CBSE, History of India, Zafarnama, History of Punjab, Anuchhed and Lekh in Hindi and Punjabi, Hindi and Punjabi suvichar
Discipline is the power that keeps you energetic even in adverse circumstances.
The more opportunitiesanintelligent person gets, the morehe creates himself.
Success starts onlywhen you start trying for it.
Good players win races. Great ones break records. Legends change the game.
If we did all the things we are capable of doing,we would literally astound ourselves.
You can achieve anything you imagine. You are the light that radiates Love and compassion. Feel the abundance in your heart and be sure that you are notalone on this journey. Feel the power within and be the creator of your own reality.
How you do one thing, is how youdo everything. Everything we do is a reflection of our level of conciousness.
The secret to success is to beprepared for every occasion to come.
Your words are the only thing that can cut sharper than any knife and heal someone betterthan any medicine.
No matter what anyone says, words and ideas can change the world.
We kept repeating same mistakesagain and again. Dirt is on the face and we kept washing the mirror again and again.
Every soul is potentially divine and the goal is to manifest this divinity either by work or worship or by both. Do this and be free – Swami Vivekananda Ji
Never win people with arguments, rather defeat them with smile. People who always argue , cannot bear silence.
Whoever ceases to be a studenthas never been a student – George Lies.
Dream several dreams, chasethem all and live several versionsin this one life.
Arrogance and fear of failure are two enemies to beware of.Fear will not let you start and arrogance will ensure you have a fall.
Innovation is the difference between those who lead and those who follow – Steve Jobs
Discipline is the fire in which your talent and ability are enhanced.
The happiest moments in anyone’s life are of childhood, so it is most important to have a happy childhood.
Probably no one gets to know theimportant moments of his lifeuntil those moments have passed.
Do not do for yourself what otherpeople can do for you.
Good advice is often ignored, but that does not mean that advice is not given.
Never tell anyonethat you knowhim, not even him,whom you know very well in real.
There is a hidden chapter in everyone’s life, which they never want anyone to know.
Think of the slavery in which we are bound. Every sound of praise immediately attracts me. Everyword of blame repels me.Every fool has an influence over my mind. Is this a life worth living ? – Swami Vivekananda
The way to remove your weakness – Don’t see anyone’sweakness or badness in anybody. He/ She is not bad all time of the day.So how can one be totally bad?
As a parent, there is time to be parent and then a time comes to transition in to a guide, philosopher and a friend.
Respect isn’t something that canbe demanded. True respect iscommanded and that by giving of self.
The sky takes on shades of orangeduring sunrise and sunset, the colour that gives you hope that the sun will set only to rise again. – Ram Charan
If you want to make everyone happy – sell ice-cream.” – Steve Jobs
Continue with your craft. Your audience will find you.
Do the best of your abilities. Be the best of you, you can be.
When there is corruption in goodthings, only then bad things arise.
Freedom, no matter, can be taken away in a minute.
Weakness, fear, sadness etc. are nothing more than a source of darkness.
If the understanding of the world’s most intelligent person does not get the right direction, then it becomes a wild plant.
Beauty is not in things, it is in the mind.The beauty of the mind makes things beautiful.
People who mold themselves in all kinds of situations, in reality, they are the most happy.
Sometimes faith divides people and doubt brings them together.
If you can work hard, then you have the power to buy everything in the world.
Both of you and me,we still have time to improve our old behavior by taking lessons from old experiences.
Mythology is just history which is lost in time.
Defining Life is like, Blind peopleidentifying the elephant. Everyone has their own ways of defining life according to their life experiences.
You should not be so sensitive,sensitive people suffer a lot in life – Sudha Murty
You can learn philosophy in helping others.
Having good relationships,compassion and peace of mind is much more important than achievements, awards, money and degree.
Don’t get caught up in the question of whether there is a Godor not, keep searching whether we are human or not.
Amidst all the darkness in the world there is always a hope.