Make your values your criterion.

  • Be patient. All things are difficult before they become easy.
  • The first gray hairs always stick straight out.
  • You should try to live all the days of your life.
  • Whatever profession you are in, if you work a few steps ahead of your duty, then you get appreciation from all around.
  • Victory always belongs to the person who never gives up.
  • Inspiration does not wait to be found, one has to wander in search of it.
  • Love thy neighbour but don’t cut down your hedges.
  • If you don’t want to go back, never look back.
  • Life is of science, the more experiments you do, the more opportunities for success you will get.
  • Those who make peaceful revolution impossible open the way for violent revolution.
  • People don’t cry because they are weak, it is because they have been strong for too long.
  • Trying to get what you don’t have hurts the most.
  • When you start accepting your mistakes, you stop running from yourself.
  • When you have full faith in your mind that what you are doing is right, then the enthusiasm comes automatically.
  • When you tarnish someone’s image by hurting their ego, you can’t even expect them to behave in good faith, because everyone wants to be loved and admired.
  • The more something that is in your mind, the more likely it is to happen.
  • The best way to get rid of an annoying hanger-on? Lend him some money.
  • Great excuse makers have few other talents.
  • The best preparation for tomorrow is to do well today.
  • Some people would rather be famous than going to heaven.
  • You can never know whether you are on the right track by comparing yourself to others because you can never be the other person. So don’t compare yourself to others and make your values your criterion.
  • More important than educating the mind is to understand the feelings of the heart.
  • Use your energy not to worry, but to believe.