Long-term thinking about doing something often causes it to deteriorate.

  • Each time a woman stands up for herself. Without knowing it possibly, without claiming it, she stands up for all women.

  • Long-term thinking about doing something often causes it to deteriorate.

  • Dreams can’t just be configured in the head, but they should be firmly accompanied by a positive outlook and sheer determination to accomplish the goal.

  • Just as a fish cannot live without water, a body cannot live without life, it is difficult and impossible for a disciple to walk without a guru.

  • Space tells us that in the infinite universe, we are not even equal to the grain of sand. We can only believe that traveling is our destinyThe existence of the destination  is not as important as the journey.

  • Love is as natural as breathing and Man also has a natural right over love.

  • It is considered against fashion to ask questions to the extent of indecency in the world. It is fashion to believe everything in the society, not raise any questions, that’s why most people do not make any discovery.

  • The decisions we make, the plans we make, are not necessarily fulfilled.

  • Never complain and never give clarification.  If there is such a thing in your life or work that you are not satisfied with, do not waste time in complaining, take steps to change it.

  • The biggest victory of this world is to conquer ourselves.

  • While competing with your opponent, putting all your energy to increase your ability and keep an eye on his weakness makes being a human being worthwhile.

  • variety is the very spice of life, that gives it all its flavor.

  • Whatever fortune brings, don’t be afraid of doing things.

  • Some people suddenly change. One day, you are important and next day, you are worthless.

  • People with an attitude of never giving up are few in number, but they bring a big change in society. They prefer to be effective people with less number than to choose a large number of ordinary people.

  • Holy Ganga river flowing down from the matted hair of Lord Shiva signifies clarity and understanding of everything. So, the Ganga represents the end of Ignorance. Many times, we take decisions on the basis of handful of knowledge that we have with us.

  • Pay attention to the beginning of any work. If the first button of the shirt looks wrong then the rest also looks wrong.

  • Challenge yourself to live life differently and better, if not now!! then, when?

  • Education is the only medium that can lift itself out of poverty.

  • You are stronger than the things in your life that made you weak.

  • If you have good thoughts, they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely.

  • The human mind is capable of excitement without the application of gross and violent stimulants – William Wordsworth

  • The flower that smells the sweetest is shy and lovely. – William Wordsworth

  • It is very important for us to learn that there are also ways to refuse or express disagreement.  It is not so difficult to say no to someone, provided they are told correctly.

  • One must also be patient to keep his side. Must listen patiently and speak patiently.