Life Lesson by Lord Krishna.

Ramayana and Mahabharata are not just stories, but mantras of living life.

Today, in the modern era, we often go to Google – Life skills / How to live a positive life?

But we do not pay attention to the fact that Bhagwan Ji has given solutions to even the smallest things in our scriptures.

As Lord Krishna runs barefoot to meet his friend Sudama. They do not worry that HE is a king! What would his queens and the people of his palace think of him.

He showed affection for Sudama. He showed his queens that they have to to respect Sudama Ji. They do not have to look at them with glee.

We have to remember that children learn by observing everything, not by making speeches.

If the elders of the house will welcome the visiting guests wholeheartedly, as Krishna did, they will hold this rite within their conscience.

We did not even know when we moved towards “Atithi Kabh Jaoge”, honoring “Atithi Devo Bhava”.

Today, in our society, children are legally forced to refuse to take care of parents. Why?

Because we have stopped learning from our Itihaasa. We have started questioning our Ishtadev. We have stopped believing him to be a Guru. We have started depicting his personality and character.

Moving out of all this, Let’s move towards learning the ways of living life from our scriptures and the presiding deity. 🙏🙏