Life is not all black and white and we need to acknowledge that there are many, many shades of grey.

Life begins when you realize that you could die anytime but you don’t worry about it, just enjoy every moment.

At 15, I determined to start my learning journey.

At 30, I stood on my own two feet.

At 40, I understood the challenge of my life.

At 50, I knew my destiny.

At 60, I perceived the detail to what I hear.

At 70, I could follow my heart, without transgressing, what was right – Confucius.

Life begins when you find your purpose of living.

Life begins every day new. Every day you start with new wisdom and new guilt and discoveries in front.

Disillusionment with work, disenchantment with relationships, detachment from family responsibilities is what called life sometimes.

Life begins when you become unbothered. Be who you are. Do what you want. Be free from social stigma and expectations. Be who you want to be. You will attract people who truly love you, the way you are, without judging you. You will attract real people who also live their lives unbothered.

Life begins when you find yourself, no matter at what age. Every man has two lives and the second one starts when he realizes that he has just one.

Life begins when YOU start doing what YOU want, not what other people want you to do. Life begins when YOU stop kidding yourself and trying to keep up with society’s confirming norms. It begins once you look at yourself using the tools of truth and sincerity not whether I am right or wrong but rather what works or not.

Detachment from the tribe is extremely scary but liberating to be yourself.

Life begins, when you become kind to your future self, by making a good decision today. You will gift yourself a good tomorrow.

Life begins when we start living it, not tolerating it.