If you don’t stand for something, you will fall for everything.

We need Halloween to go back to one year.

Hard work is such a golden key, which also opens the doors of closed destiny.

All the World’s a stage,
And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances, And one man in his time plays many parts, His acts being Seven Ages. Last scene of all…is second childishness… sans teeth, sanse eyes, sans taste, sanse everything- William Shakespeare.

Forgetfulness of our eternal relation with the supreme personality of godhead Krishna is the root cause of all affliction. This is the basic reason for the unrest in the minds of any individual, which disrupts the progress of the individual and society as a whole. This needs to be eradicated for over everlasting peace.

You can’t pour from an empty cup, so take care of yourself first.

Your heart is the size of an ocean. Go find yourself in its hidden depths – Rumi.

If you don’t stand for something, you will fall for everything.

Fear is a reaction and courage is a decision. We only fear the future, which didn’t happen yet. Courage is the decision you take in the present moment.

A healthy life – fortified with peace, satisfaction and self – respect – is perhaps the greatest boon – God has ever bestowed on humans ! Let’s accept gracefully what we have already got in life and live happily with it in rest of our life.

We love experimentation. That’s where the gold nuggets come from – REGGIE FILS – AIME.

The good is one thing, the agreeable another ; men find them in a variety of objects and become bound, one way or the other ; He who pursues the agreeable is cheated of the real object of existence – Kathopnishad.

A person is nothing but his thoughts, he becomes what he thinks.

As long as you are awake, keep working hard, keep taking risks.

The feeling that comes from a good idea cannot be found even with expensive items purchased after spending crores of rupees.

When you want to do something, do it; thinking that the whole world is watching you.

Be polite to everyone, but pretend to be polite to some people.

You can experience happiness from work that you do, not with money or fun.

The more a person knows, the more he has the curiosity to know.

Everyone feels good by helping others.

The fight of a timid person is more than that of a brave person.

Do not settle for less, keep your aim and effort high.

All women are pretty without makeup, but with the right makeup can be pretty powerful.

The defeat is not caused by a fall, the defeat is when you refuse to rise.

Be clear about what you WANT in all of the chaos around.

You exist only in what you do – FEDERICO FELLINI.

Knowledge is an inner treasure. It’s imperceptible to a thief ; it provides enduring happiness ; it grows ceaselessly while being imparted to earnest disciples. O Kings, give up your pride in the presence of those who have this treasure ; who indeed can compete with them ? Bhartrihari.

Spirituality is always about seeking, not merely following. Being a seeker just means you have not drawn any conclusions about life. It means you are courageous enough to admit that you are lost.

Believers often have confidence, but they invariably lack clarity. Confidence without clarity is a dangerous thing.

Do not look for the good people in life. Be yourself good.

Dare to reach out your hand into the darkness, to pull another hand in to the light.

Notice the people who are happy for your happiness and sad for your sadness. They are the ones who deserve special place in your heart.

If you don’t stand for something, you will fall for everything.

Romance does not need to be slavery. It depends on expectations.

Marriage and all the expectations that come with that , is a kind of slavery.

If your body goes in search of a relationship we call it sexuality.
If your mind goes in search of relationship, we call it companionship.
If your emotion goes in search of a relationship, we call it Love.
If your energy goes in search of a relationship, we call it Yoga – Sadhguru.

Learn to oppose the wrong even if everyone is against you. Intent is important.

The one land that all men desire to see and having seen once, by even a glimpse wouldn’t give that glimpse for the shows of all the rest of the world combined – Mark Twain on India.

If you learn from your mistakes, then mistakes are a ladder for you.

What’s done is done, what’s gone is gone. Stay in the present and create the future.

Success consists of series of daily efforts.

There is no place to park along the straight and narrow.

To win without risk is to triumph without glory – Pierre Corneille.

Our lives are defined by opportunities, even the ones we miss – From the movie ‘The curious case of Benjamin Button’.

An office is for not dying….An office is a place where dreams come true – From the sitcom ‘The office’.

We are born without talent . We learn. We practice . We win. We lead. Talent is never born. It is accomplished.