I don’t want validation from the people who don’t even matter.

  • You are today where your thoughts have brought you; you will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you.
  • When circumstances change, there is nothing wrong in changing strategy.
  • One has a big responsibility, it is to fulfil a special mission that one is born upon earth. Only, naturally, the psychic being must have reached a certain degree of development; otherwise it could be said that it is the whole earth which has the responsibility.
  • Krishna explains in the Bhagwad Gita – “Whatever action a great man performs, others will follow. And whatever standards he sets by exemplary acts, all the world pursues.”
  • Life is a journey of ups and downs and only the belief of seeing good in bad makes you a winner.
  • Once you experience all life forms as a part of yourself, you cannot help but fall in love with everything around you – Sadhguru.
  • If you look at your thoughts in the context of the whole cosmos, they do not mean anything. If you realise that you will naturally create a distance from your thought process – Sadhguru.
  • Thought of ill will, thoughts of harming and thoughts of strong greed are all signs that something is missing in life.
  • If trauma can be passed from generation to generation, so can your healing.
  • When you go to bed at night, have your pillow and three things – Love, Hope and Forgiveness ! You will be awaken in the morning with a song in your heart !
  • Life is at its best only when we are Happy, Content and Positive from inside.
  • The impossible is only what you have not started.
  • Spend the day with the books or audio books of a successful person in that field who want to improve their life, there will be hundreds of ways to live life.
  • Whatever we have taken from nature, we should return it with interest.
  • Every year we should defeat one of our deficiencies, because of which we feel weak or we feel inferior, then we should choose to fight those shortcomings instead of living fearfully.
  • Negative habits of your life like making excuses, laziness, evasiveness, anger, carelessness towards health etc. should be got rid of.
  • Every day is a great opportunity to bring changes in life.
  • When every citizen behaves responsibly, we never have to hear the word ‘zero tolerance‘ and the authorities do not have to take strict decisions.
  • India is the largest democracy in the world and people of India are more independent than many other countries. But it must be remembered that along with freedom comes responsibility.
  • To decide the distance from every difficult time to the best, two things are most importantHOPE and HUMANITY, because they open the magical path of courage.
  • Our HOPE for betterment even in crisis and humanity to unite against every difficulty. It is from this that we get the courage that opens new doors of possibilities.
  • Every day is a great opportunity to bring changes in life.
  • We have not experienced life, we have made conclusions about that – Sadhguru.
  • Much learning does not teach understanding – Heraclitus.
  • One who doesn’t know EASE is natural, is in a state of DIS – EASE.
  • True wisdom comes to each of us when we realise how little we understand about life, ourselves and the world around us.
  • I don’t want validation from the people who don’t even matter.
  • There is no substitute for conscious, responsible behaviour – Sadhguru.
  • Life is beautiful without pschychedelis. Pschychedelis simply makes you aware of that primarily and then secondarily lead you deaper in to it – Terence McKenna
  • Illusory experience of this world is happening within us. Returning the mind to its source is the only way to experience the ultimate reality.
  • If your body is not feeling that the life is tough, then you are not doing anything worthwhile.

Watch your WORDS – They become ACTIONS.

Watch your ACTIONS – They become HABITS.

Watch your HABITS – They become CHARACTER.

Watch your CHARACTER – it becomes DESTINY.