Humans are a social species.

Let us not seek to fix the blame for the past. Let us accept our own responsibility for the future – JOHN F KENNEDY.

Birds born in a cage think that flying is a crime.

Lord Krishna has said – For one who has conquered his mind, a mind is best of friends, but for one who has failed to do so, a mind is the greatest enemy.

Humans are a social species.

You know what the issue is with this world ? Everyone wants a magical solution to their problem and everyone refuses to believe in magic – Alice in Wonderland.

Voters don’t decide issues, they decide who will decide issues – George Will.

It ain’t about how hard you can hit. It’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward.

Philosopher – someone who knows exactly what to do until it happens to him.

Many things difficult to design prove easy to performance – Samuel Johnson.

There are always three sides to a story. Your side, the other side and the truth .

As long as the other person is involved, nothing will truly happen the exact way you want it.

Happiness and success come when the mind and the body are in complete harmony and alignment.

Friendship is a beautiful responsibility, it is not an occasion.

What has passed is a beautiful memory today, but tomorrow is no less than a dream.

We choose them ourselves long before we feel our joys and sorrows.

There was never a conversation between love and doubt.

The one who is right is close to the heart of the people, but the one who is kind is close to the heart of God.

If you love someone, let him go, because if he returns he was always yours. If he does not return, he was never yours.

A little knowledge that can be used is more valuable than a lot of knowledge which is lying idle.

If someone else hurts you, you may forget, but if you hurt him, you will always remember.

Only those who think to the extent of passion can change the world.

Success is found in the sweat of the forehead, not in the lines of the hands.

Who I am is not because of my circumstances but because of the decisions that I have taken in my life.

Standing on the shore and staring at the water does not cross the ocean, do not immerse yourself in fruitless desires.

If worry changes our situation, then we should definitely worry, but worry does not change the situation, yes our state of mind definitely changes.

Karma brings happiness, which you feel inside you. When your karma is useful to the world and she recognizes it, then it is true success.

Success is the end result of a new idea you think.

Only a positive person can see the good side of things.

Loving yourself is to undertake a lifelong journey of living your best life – in body, mind and spirit.

They say no Love is possible until you love your own self. And we love ourselves best when we feel good about ourselves.

Happiness and contentment always meet at the point of balance.
ForgiveDon’t be harsher on yourself than you would be on others. Forgive yourself. There is life beyond mistakes. Learn your lessons and move on. Have no regrets ; what’s done is done.

Have faith in yourself and in your dreams. Do not fear failure ; it is inevitable. Courage is not the lack of fear, but what you do in the face of fear.

You are unique – do not believe anyone who tries to direct or limit your dreams or to set you benchmarks. Just listen to your own self – all directions and answers are within you.

Take life easy……Don’t make unnecessary problems for yourself, so that your whole energy can be focussed on the essential problem. And the essential problem is only one : Know thyself.

The greatest accomplishment is not in never falling but in rising again after you fall.

If you want to behave like Arjuna, then you must keep Krishna with you. Krishna is the name of an instinct in which the entire restrained style is hidden.

There is a commonality between faith and love, neither of which can be coerced.

When the time is found, the heart is relaxed, at that time the one who remembers God is the best. God also considers him to be a great devotee.

Anger reperessed can poison a relationship as surely as the cruelest words – Dr. Joyce Brothers.

Efforts made once whole-heartedly are more effective than hundreds of incomplete efforts.

The big man is the one who does not let the person sitting near him feel small.

More than achieving the goal, there is more pleasure in making constant efforts for it.

Never stop searching for something new as a human being. If you are not looking for a product or process to improve human life, then keep searching for yourself.

How long you lived and how much money you earned is not this life, but how deeply you touched the lives of others, this is life.

Suspicious is a heavy armour and with its weight it impedes more than it protects – Robert Burns.

Nothing makes us more modest about our income than the IRS.

Every small change is a part of big success.