History Assignment Class 9

Q.1 When was the Bastille Prison stormed?

Ans. Bastille Prison was broken by revolutionaries on the morning of 14th July 1789.

Q. 2 Why was Bastille Prison attacked?

Ans. The revolutionaries stormed the Bastille prison with the hope to find hoarded ammunition for the revolution.

Q.3 Which ruler came to power in France in 1774?

Ans. Louis XVI of the Bourbon family, ascended the throne of France in 1774.

Q.4 Whom did Louis XVI get married to?

Ans. Louis XVI was married to Princess Marie Antoinette of Austria.

Q. 5 Why was the treasury empty when Louis XVI ascended the throne?

Ans. Long years of war had drained the financial resources of France and along with it was the cost of maintaining an extravagant court at the immense palace of Versailles.

Q.6 How did the American war of Independence add more debt to France?

Ans. The French army supported thirteen colonies of America in their war of independence against Great Britain. It added more than one billion livres (unit of currency in France) that had risen to more than two billion livres with interest.

Q.7 Why did the French government increase the taxes?

Ans. To meet its regular expenses, such as the cost of maintaining an army, the court, and running government offices or universities, the state was forced to increase taxes.

Q.8 Who formed the First and Second Estates of French Society?

Ans. The clergy and the nobility were the members of the first and second estate respectively. They enjoyed certain privileges by birth and were also exempted from paying taxes to the state from the first and second estates respectively.

Q.9 What was tithe?

Ans. It was a tax levied by the church, comprising at least one-tenth of the agricultural produce by the farmers.

Q.10 How Robespierre’s end came?

Ans. Robespierre was convicted by a court in July 1794, arrested, and on the next day sent to the guillotine and killed, in the same manner, he punished guillotine people.

Q.11 What was ‘Directory’?

Ans. The directory was an executive made up of five members. They were appointed by two elected legislative councils.

Q.12 Name the important political clubs formed by women in France to fight for their political rights.

Ans. The society of Revolutionary and The Republican Women.

Q.13 When did women finally get the right to vote in France?

Ans. The Women in France finally got the right to vote in 1946.

Q.14 Between which three continents triangular slave trade was held?

Ans. The triangular slave trade was held between Europe, Africa, and America.

Q.15 Name the French ports through which the slave trade was done?

Ans. The Port cities of Bordeaux and Nantes.

Q.16 When was slavery finally abolished in France?

Ans. Slavery was finally abolished in 1848 in France.