HAPPINESS is like a PERFUME. Unless you sprinkle it on yourself, you cannot PLEASE OTHERS.

  • Life is the most difficult exam. Many people fail because they try to copy others, not realizing that everyone has a different question paper.
  • We are always worrying about something that will never happen.
  • Forget who hurt you yesterday, but don’t forget those who love you everyday. Forget the past that makes you cry and focus on the present that makes you smile. Forget the pain but never the lessons you gained.
  • Those who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.
  • You can never be secure as long as you are alive. A million things can go wrong at any moment. Learning to enjoy insecurity is the only security.
  • The difference between dream and reality is called DEED i.e KARMA.
  • Religion is the difference between dreams and reality.
  • Happiness is like a perfume. Unless you sprinkle it on yourself, you cannot please others.
  • There are countless doors in life. If you are hardworking then you will open some doors. If you are smart, you will open many doors and if you are full of passion, then every door will open for you.
  • The whole world bowed in front of you, should never ask for such blessings. But no power of the world can bow you, it should be prayed.
  • Whatever comes in our life comes from the result of our actions, whether it is a person or an event; So do not get angry over the fruits of your actions.