Focusing on the little things leads to big results.

  • The one who walks the fastest walks alone, but the one who travels the farthest, takes everyone along.
  • We adopt an attitude of morality towards those whom we personally do not like.
  • The man who bears his anger on himself is saved from the anger of others.
  • Love does not know its depth until the moment of farewell from the beloved comes.
  • Not everything is of equal importance and some things are more important than others.
  • Focusing on the little things leads to big results.
  • The way to get the most out of your work and life is to stick to the little things.
  • There are two types of trees in the world – a Kalpavriksha, from which whatever you ask, it will give. The second Alpavriksha, get tired of asking for it, you will not get anything.
  • Take a resolution that today I will do what others have not done so that I can do what others cannot.
  • A route can be left or changed. The path is not corrupted if the goal is not corrupted.
  • Life draws an imaginary finish line in your path. It’s life’s way of separating average people from the rest. Average people stop at the imaginary finish line as the real finish line, but the real winners go beyond that imaginary finish line.
  • Life lays a trap in everyone’s path. This is his way of distinguishing between champions and losers.
  • Practice is the key to mastering any skill.
  • The mental picture you create about yourself has a huge impact on your behavior.
  • Pure Love is emptying the mind of all fear.
  • The root of education is bitter but its fruits are sweet.
  • Do not give up your goal for fear of evil, because after achieving the goal, the opinion of those who do evil changes.
  • Life is like riding a bicycle. To maintain balance, you have to keep cycling continuously. The day you stop pedaling the cycle of life, your fall will be fixed on that day.
  • We are what our thinking has made us, so always be mindful of what you think. Words are secondary, but thoughts remain, they travel far.
  • Where is your concentration, that determines what you will get in life? If you focus on opportunities, you will get opportunities, if you focus on obstacles and difficulties, then you will get them.