First, learn to do small things.

  • Reputations aren’t always ruined. Some are confirmed.
  • Hedging is what politicians do to mend fences.
  • I’m always doing what I can’t do so that I can learn how to do it.
  • To be effective, start with the end in mind.
  • It is because of our thoughts that we become what we are.
  • A man is what he thinks about throughout the day.
  • You can’t judge a book by its movie.
  • You don’t get what you want, so make the best of what you get.
  • You have to create what is best for you. By relying on someone, you only harm yourself.
  • Success or failure doesn’t matter, you learn from both.
  • If you want to be big then first learn to do small things.
  • Knowledge(Education) is the most precious wealth, only its arrival brings welfare not only to oneself but to the whole society.
  • A person who is not useful to others is not a human being.
  • Man is said to be the best among all living beings because he has self-discrimination and self-knowledge.
  • Restraint gives discretion, meditation provides concentration. Peace, contentment, and benevolence give humanity.
  • Failure is nothing but an opportunity to start again more intelligently.
  • Meteorologists walk around with their fingers crossed.
  • Confession novels let Authors write their wrongs.
  • Rush hour turns all cars into stationwagons.
  • Where you put your concentration and energy will determine where you will go.
  • We don’t always know what we want, but we certainly know what we don’t want. Stop doing and thinking about what you don’t want and move on.
  • The more you use creativity, the more it will come to you.
  • Some people’s words are like a sigh, and some people’s words are arranged like a wow.
  • Time and situations are always friendly for those who know how to do the job.
  • We clean the dust of the house every day, but we do not clean the dust on the mind and when we do not pay any attention to it, then this dust accumulates and becomes a stain.
  • Tomorrow is gone and only his words remain, today new seeds are growing.
  • Circumstances and attitudes are more important in happy moments than events.
  • Luck and misfortune are the names of human weakness. Effort only attracts good fortune.
  • Happiness or unhappiness at any point in time has nothing to do with our situation, but it depends on how we see our situation.
  • When you are lost, avoid moving in circles.