solution for NCERT Punjabi and Hindi CBSE, History of India, Zafarnama, History of Punjab, Anuchhed and Lekh in Hindi and Punjabi, Hindi and Punjabi suvichar
Every man has a sane spot somewhere – Robert Louis Stevenson.
A truthful person never carries a burden.
If you break someone’s heart 💔 and they still talk to you with the same excitement and respect ; They really love you.
Democracy is not just an election, it’s our daily life. – TSAI ING-WEN
Perfection is attained by slowdegrees ; it requires the hand of time – Voltaire
All we can ever experience, happens within us.
You just got to love yourself enough to know you deserve more, be brave enough to demand more and be disciplined enough to work for more.
Don’t put off opportunities to be a blessing to people, to serve those around you.
The essence of science is notequipment but independent thinking and hard work.
As long as we are alive, we can start something new. It starts withhope that gives you the desire to wake up every morning.
Take a risk in your life. If you win then you can lead and if you lose, then you can show the right path to others – Swami Vivekananda ji.
This is the easiest way to get happiness in life. Whoever is around you, say two words of praise to them today. Because the rule of this universe is, whateveryou give, it comes back. But the biggest rule of praise is – it should be natural, not false.
Identify the obstacles of life and remove them from the path.
True modernity is science-oriented and logic-basedthinking style. It has nothing to do with the dress.
Strong people stand up for themselves, strongest people stand up for others.
No goal is greater than your courage.
Gossips are often caught in their mouth trap.
Riches don’t make a man rich, they only make him busier – Christopher Columbus.
If dreams have a deadline, it becomes a goal.
Metaphors help us make sense of the new by connecting with the old. No one metaphor captures the entirety of an idea, but they also help us make sense of a new beast.
Good health stands at the very root of virtuous acts, acquirement of wealth, gratification of desire and final emancipation. Diseases are destroyers of health, well-being and life. This has manifested itself as a great obstacle in the way of human life – Sage Charaka.
I dwell in possibility – Emily Dickinson
Competition is more like a game because it always involves winning and losing.
Musical instruments are pleasingto the wareven when heard individually. Played in synchronization, they create a symphony.Each player in this symphony plays in accordance with the requirement of the group. The goal is creating soulfulmusic and not proving the primacy of one instrument over the other or one player over the other.
Competition limits us, contribution sets us free to realize what we are capable oftruly. It is time, we set ourselves free.
Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none – William Shakespeare.
In every garden there are weeds…who think that the garden was made for them alone.
Try not to follow the crowd always.
If your heart is not in to something, you will not do yourbest.
Books are companions, teachers, magicians, bankers of the treasures of the mind.Books are humanity in print – Barbara W. Tuchman.
Be addicted to your passions, not distractions.
Every girl may not be a queen to her husband, but she is always a princess to her father.