
EMOTIONS are there to BEFOOL.

Occasionally it feels like we get swept away in a whirlwind of emotions.

It seems like Do not think at all about what would be the consequence?

Fly away, liberate yourself, don’t tell anyone anything, just go on a never-ending journey with these feelings, primarily those which are transmitting happiness and positivity within YOU.

But is it even possible?

No……it is not.

So, Keep your inner and outer world separate.  We have to inculcate in the depths of our inner self that we have to be practical in life.

I won’t ruin my life by getting carried away in futile emotions.

One important lesson – Feelings and Emotions are momentary. They are like wind and air, you have the power to let it go, you have the power to choose happiness over misery.

It’s not easy, but you have to try. You have to breathe and let that moment pass. Also, if you don’t stand up against what’s unjust and wrong, you are not just failing yourself, but also the generations to come.

Stop being an emotional fool! But blossom like a फूल (Flower).