Do not ignore the inner voice in stressful situations.

  • No matter how great a man becomes, he should keep remembering his past.
  • A person who never helps others is not really a human being.
  • If you want to become successful and respected, then learn to bow down. Because those who do not bow down, the wind of time makes them bow down.
  • It is the duty of a true citizen to look after the welfare of the society and the country before his own welfare.
  • Restraint gives wisdom, meditation provides concentration, satisfaction, and charity give peace.
  • We spend one third of our lives sleeping, so it is very important to keep track of our time in the waking state and spend it in a balanced manner.
  • It is very important to have ethics in work. You may move slowly on the path of ethics, but this growth will be strong.
  • Simplicity is most important in life. A life spent with simplicity and peace is always better.
  • Always remember that you are above those who pull you down.
  • Never give up, because people who work hard can change the entire result in the last move.
  • Every new beginning scares us, but success is seen only after difficulties.
  • To achieve your dreams, you need passion, not wisdom.
  • When your spirits are high, even a mountain looks like a pile of mud.
  • When you are spontaneous, you are creative and make the most of whatever you do.
  • It is very important to be a good friend to yourself and not a victim. Life will bring you to your knees again and again. What matters is how you stand up. It is very important to not lose faith in yourself and not ignore the inner voice in stressful situations.