Discipline is the KEY.

  • “It is not ease, but effort, not facility but difficulty that makes men. There is perhaps no station in life in which difficulties have not to be encountered and overcome before any decided measure of success can be achieved. Those difficulties are, however, our best instructors, as our mistakes often form our best experience.” – Samuel Smiles.
  • Success will never open her doors to those who are lethargic, unwilling to strive hard and sacrifice their comforts.
  • “The diamond could never reveal its depth for brilliancy and beauty, but for the function of the stone which grinds its facets, polishes it and lets it light which discloses its hidden wealth. This is the price of its liberation from the darkness.” – Orison Marden.
  • If a person never contradicts himself, it must be that he says nothing – Miguel de Unamano.
  • The best way to have luck turn on you is to count on it.
  • Energy is useful only if you direct it the way you want. That is when a human being transforms into a spiritual possibility – Sadhguru.
  • If one is well-rooted in his physicality, then a higher possibility will take you off from physicality. Taking you off from physicality means either becoming less capable physically leaving the body altogether – Sadhguru.
  • When things go wrong in life, that’s when it shows, who you are. When things go well, everyone can be fantastic – Sadhguru.
  • Fear, Anger, Misery, Frustration, Depression are all products of the mind you have not taken charge of – Sadhguru.
  • Do not worry about your future. If you do for your present well, your future will blossom – Sadhguru.
  • You cannot work with what’s on your mind. You can plan for what’s on your mind, but you can not do anything about it. You can only act in the present moment – Sadhguru.
  • Meditation is the only way to freedom from all the stress that man is going through – Sadhguru.
  • You don’t need to be ready, you just need to stop overthinking and start.
  • Motivation is fleeting, discipline is the key – Miley Cyrus.
  • The key to staying motivated is starting. Stop delaying, finding excuses or reasons as to why you can’t do something and just start. Once you start, you are 95% more likely to keep going.
  • Thoughts are like vehicles in your mind. If a large number of vehicles are there it results in the traffic jam and heavy noises in your mind. You must let the vehicle pass by. That’s true silence – Sadhguru.
  • You live for yourself, not your parents, not your friends, not for your neighbours. Follow your dreams without worrying about what other people think because at the end of the day, what matters is what you think of yourself. – Sadhguru.
  • Life is not outside, you are life – Sadhguru.
  • Life can be heard in the silence.
  • Silence is a space between creation and creator, beyond life and death. As you practice silence slowly, you can become silent – Sadhguru.
  • One can become silent in intense activity, but nobody can keep up intense activity forever – Sadhguru.
  • One of the best ways to know if you are comfortable with yourself! If you can sit in silence for 10 or more minutes.
  • People always think of distractions as something external, but the things we say and think are just as much an input for our mind that lead us astray.
  • Don’t blame people for disappointing you, blame yourself for expecting too much from them.
  • Your inner life determines your outer success.
  • A world full of LOVE, LIFE and LAUGHTER: its time has come. Let’s make it happen – Sadhguru.