Defeat is a lesson……

  • The happiest people in life are those who are satisfied even with less means.
  • To reap the harvest of success, hard work has to rain.
  • It is natural to make mistakes. It is culture to accept it and to improve it is progress.
  • Defeat is a lesson that gives you a chance to be better.
  • If there is no compulsion to work to live in life, then choose the difficult path.
  • You can completely overcome the fear of failure by moving confidently in the direction of your dreams.
  • It is more painful to make a mistake after an age and then to learn from it. It is natural to make new mistakes with age. We should not feel ashamed, mistaken, or hesitant about this. Have compassion for yourself and learn to admit when you are wrong. Wisdom is not in not making mistakes, it is in how you maintain your honor and dignity after making mistakes.