Change is a part of LIFE.

  • The secret of success in life is to prepare yourself for the upcoming opportunities.
  • Persistence is the hard work you do after you’re tired of the hard work you’ve already done.
  • Our control includes our own actions, reactions, desires, character, and our interactions with others. Rest, our body, luck, reputation and actions of others, etc. are beyond our control. Therefore it is important to recognize which things are within our control.
  • Part of thinking rationally is acting on good information and thoroughly considering the situation, rather than reacting by forming conclusions or opinions based on inaccurate information.
  • Change is a part of life. When we are comfortable with the circumstances and suddenly life takes a new turn, we become worried or scared. If we are relaxed and ready for change, we can easily deal with any such situation.
  • Don’t be influenced by others’ fear or anger: Be careful of getting caught up in others’ feelings or frustrations. Instead, use your own four qualities: courage, restraint, justice, and wisdom.
  • To make life easier and more peaceful, you just need to recognize the things that you can control.