Books are the best exercise for the brain.

  • Any task can be difficult, but not impossible.
  • A gentleman is the one who does not hurt anyone’s feelings even inadvertently.
  • Nothing makes people more modest about their incomes than the IRS.
  • Opportunities exist where difficulties abound.
  • If there is no struggle, no risk is taken, then half the taste of life is lost.
  • Books are the best exercise for the brain.
  • Do one thing at a time. If the focus is on one, then you will be able to do it on time and do it in a better way.
  • Whoever has a true friend, never feels the need for any mirror.
  • Nothing is more enjoyable than conquering your bad habits.
  • Our dreams are huge, the commitment to fulfill them should be deep and the effort should be big.
  • Keep moving in the direction of the destination, but remember that the path leading to the destination should be equally noble.
  • Brutal criticism and free thought are two important characteristics of revolutionary thinking.
  • People who roll up their sleeves seldom lose their shirts.
  • Time spent out of character is wasted time.
  • They have the right to condemn those who have the heart to help. The rest is cruelty.
  • Happiness is like a butterfly. It is not achieved by running, but by standing.
  • Believe it or not, these days are your kids’ “Good ol’ Days”.
  • Living in a small town is like having a double conscience.
  • To reach the light, one has to pass through the thick darkness.
  • Violence reels from one extreme to another.
  • Be as illogical today as you were yesterday, consistency counts.
  • There is no substitute for hard work, only hard work can replace hard work.
  • Confession magazines allow people to write their wrongs.
  • Invest in your knowledge, it will give you compound interest throughout your life.
  • Often what we say or do is not so important as how we say or do the same thing.
  • You don’t have to be brave to enter a dark cave, curiosity will do.