Believe in HARDWORK……

  • You cannot stand without taking the risk of falling.
  • To be successful, you have to believe in hard work. Luck is tested in gambling.
  • What people think of you does not matter. What you think – that brings change.
  • Why do you lose faith,

    When God created your character,

    Why do you bind yourself in limits,

    When you have the whole sky to fly…
  • We have been born with many strengths. Remember this in every phase of weakness.
  • Our bones are as strong as granite. We were not born to lose or weaken. When you feel that the circumstances are becoming unbearable, you should remember all the blessings of being a human.
  • It is easy to slip in to a negative frame of mind. All of the positive energy will help you in all aspects of your life.
  • Your life is shaped less by what happens to you and more by the attitude you bring to it.
  • If you have a negative thought, replace it with a positive one.
  • Control your thoughts and flip the switch on your negative thoughts.
  • Never consider yourself misunderstood, but simply as a person you need to understand better every time.
  • As you grow up, you understand that it is best to adapt yourself according to the environment. When life changes every day, why are you stuck at one place.
  • You can get whatever you want in life by being happy, you can achieve great success. If you think of getting happiness by becoming successful, then you are thinking wrong.
  • Pride is necessary in life because it makes the heart big, but not the ego because it makes the mind rise. The bigger your heart becomes, the more humility will develop in you.
  • Don’t do any work just because you have to do it. Do the work to show honesty to yourself.