Anyone who knows the purpose of his life can deal with any situation.

  • It’s important to understand that you don’t need anyone to complete you ; you should also not be affected by anyone who enters or exits your life.
  • You have to be at peace with yourself, understand your flaws and appreciate the good qualities. The inward journey is very important.
  • Seeing and hearing evil is the beginning of evil.
  • The longer the gap in learning, the more disinterested they get and eventually exit the education system. It’s dangerousVP Niranjanaradhya
  • Life is what happens while you are busy making other plansJohn Lennon.
  • As long as there are impressions of objects in mind, so long the inquiry ‘Who am I’ is required. As thoughts arise, they should be destroyed then and there, through inquiry. If one resorts to the contemplation of the Self unintermittently, until the Self is gained, that alone would do – Ramana Maharishi.
  • Are we all like that Theatre Actor who plays the role with great commitment, knowing all along that he is actually not the character he is playing.
  • Your mind will always believe everything you tell it. Feed it FAITH. Feed it TRUTH. Feed it with LOVE.
  • When work is a PLEASURE, Life is a JOY! When work is a DUTY, Life is SLAVERY !
  • Speak when you are angry and you will make the best speech you will ever regret. ~ Ambrose Bierce
  • Regret of neglected opportunity is the worst hell that a living soul can inhabit – Rafael Sabatini
  • Alarm clocks make us all RISE and WHINE.
  • Don’t change so people will like you. Be yourself and the right people will love the real you.
  • If your life is in harmony with your part in the Life Pattern and if you are obedient to the laws which govern this universe, then your life is full and good but not overcrowded. If it is overcrowded, you are doing more than what is right for you to do – Peace Pilgrim.
  • Hope is such an energy, through which any dark part of life can illuminate.
  • The world is his who can see through its pretension. What deafness, what stoneblind custom, what overgrown error you behold, is there only by sufferance – by your sufferance. See it to be a lie and you have already dealt it it’s mortal blow.
  • I wish people start having broader mind towards life and smaller ears for society.
  • Chasing other people’s attention, give yourself own attention and see things for what they are.
  • Confidence is not a substitute for claritySadhguru.
  • Sometimes question is not about morality, this is a question about your priorities in life.
  • Trust is the foundation on which the edifice of love is built. Once trust is broken between two persons , the very basis of love gets ruptured beyond redemption.
  • Love means not having to say – You are Sorry!
  • Anger and thunderstorm are the same. It is only after being calm that one realizes the loss.
  • Mistakes are a part of life, very few people have the courage to admit them.
  • Know that for every problem that confronts you, there is the requisite strength and wisdom readily available to you from the Divine dwelling in the chambers of your heart. God is nearer to you than your life-breath. Turn to him with a childlike faith and experience the mircoulous results – Swami Sivananda.
  • Kindness is defined as the ability to be considerate towards one’s enemies.
  • Most of the negative feelings we associate with difficulties are of our own making.
  • Anyone who knows the purpose of his life can deal with any situation.
  • Where there is a greater range of efforts, luck is also there to support.