solution for NCERT Punjabi and Hindi CBSE, History of India, Zafarnama, History of Punjab, Anuchhed and Lekh in Hindi and Punjabi, Hindi and Punjabi suvichar
When you talk, you repeat what you already know. When you listen, you often learn something.
When you over think everything,you end up hurting your own feelings.
The very first step towards success in any occupation is to become interested in it.
The way you do anything is the way you do everything.
It is not lack of love,but a lack offriendship that makes unhappymarriages.
The word ‘Selfish‘ doesn’t have a negative connotation. It’s impossible to love someone or get invested in another’s future, when your ownambitions, desires remain unfulfilled.
In relations, compromise is needed, but not at the cost of killing your individual desires.
Individualaspiration is not the sacrificial lamb.
Children and animals forgeteasier, but an adult carries the knowledge of an earlierexperience in his heart, mind and eyes.
The price of anything is the amount of life you exchange for it.
A non-believer sees difficulties in every OPPORTUNITY and a believersees opportunities in every DIFFICULTY.