Focus on the PRESENT……..

  • Luck is the result of opportunity meeting preparation.
  • Always remember, you are braver than you believe.
  • If you refuse to accept anything less than the best, you will eventually achieve the best.
  • Everything is sustainable in the long run. Everything works in the long run, you just have to persevere.
  • Fear holds us tight, love sets us free. Fear clenches in fist, love opens the way. Fear burns, and love cools. Fear attacks and love gives opportunities to improve.
  • Knowledge gained through work is important.
  • You can never change someone’s mindset by arguing.
  • When you build, build it thinking it is forever.
  • Luck is the union of opportunity and preparation.
  • Always remember, you are braver than you believe.
  • If you refuse to accept anything less than the best, you will eventually achieve excellence.
  • To improve mental health, write a story about yourself. Make yourself a character and imagine the situations you want for yourself. This increases creativity and self-awareness.
  • If we focus on the present moment and our efforts, intelligence and creativity will come out and the chances of success will increase.
  • When we let go of our attachment to the results, we become free from negative emotions like stress, anger, and nervousness.