To learn Discipline, just do your work properly.

  • One actionable idea is always better than many incomplete ideas.
  • The best way to improve self-control is to look at why you lose control.
  • The hard parts of your life are what create your worth.
  • Richness is not about accumulating expensive stuff, but about limiting your needs.
  • Just like we maintain our relationships, we should maintain our relationship with our work in the same way.
  • Working is always better than not working.
  • If you are more attracted towards your dreams, then understand that the time has come for their fulfillment.
  • Research shows that whatever we do, we do it for the sake of personal identity and self-respect.
  • Being able to establish harmony with people is an important key to success
  • If your self-image is not as high as it could be, then you will be sensitive to people’s reactions.
  • If you are not working towards your goal today, then tomorrow you will be swept away in the whirlpool of disappointment and indifference.
  • Take risks. If you win, you will be happy; if you lose, you will learn a lesson.
  • Be patient. Everything seems difficult before it becomes easy.
  • Success is about making today better than yesterday.
  • Challenges make life interesting and overcoming them makes life worthwhile.
  • A successful person builds a solid foundation from the criticism of others.
  • Often small steps lead to the biggest changes, not giant leaps.
  • Motivation comes from within. When you are positive, good things happen.
  • Champions keep playing until they make the perfect play.
  • If you want to learn something, then every mistake of yours will teach you something.
  • There are no shortcuts in life. The straight and true way is – to work hard.
  • What you can learn from your parents and teachers today, you can never learn it later in life.
  • Discipline is not a big thing, just do your work properly. This will help you in life for a long time.
  • There are many obstacles in your path. Don’t allow yourself to become one of them.
  • Patience may be bitter, but its fruit is sweet.
  • The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.
  • A winner is not only the one who wins, but also the one who knows where to lose.
  • There should be excitement about tomorrow, not worry about tomorrow.
  • Sweet words may be short and simple, but their echo is endless.