Happy people make their inner world.

  • We, humans, have built many walls, but not enough bridges.
  • Make a living in what you trust. The results will be shocking.
  • The only thing good in the world is knowledge and the only thing bad is ignorance.
  • Be kind to every person, because every person is fighting a tough battle.
  • A person who is not satisfied with what he has, will also not be satisfied with what he will get in the future.
  • Love is space and time measured by the heart – Marcel Proust
  • Two can live as cheap as one-half as long.
  • It is wise to entertain HOPE than Despair in all conditions and all times.
  • The winner is the one who sustains HOPE.
  • Fear stems from ignorance.
  • When you are curious, you get to do many interesting things.
  • Real bravery is when you do what is right. Even if it is not very popular.
  • The character is tree-like and has a shade reputation. Shade is what we think and the tree is the real thing.
  • I feel good when I do well. I feel bad when I do bad. This is my religion – Abraham Lincoln.
  • A person becomes great by getting help, whereas great by helping.
  • Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try.
  • Dreams are like footprints. By analysing the footprint, you may know a few things, but it doesn’t reveal the nature of life – Sadhguru
  • A mistake that makes you humble is better than an achievement that makes you arrogant.
  • Happy people make their inner world, unhappy people blame their outer world – Dalai Lama
  • Mistakes have the power to turn us into something better than we were before.
  • When you give up all hopes in people, life finally blinks and brings you to a person who changes everything for the betterment.
  • “Life is strange. Every so often a good man wins.” Frank Dane
  • If you don’t say anything, you never have to repeat it.
  • If you have never stopped walking slowly in life, then assume that you are walking the fastest.
  • The important things of the world came to those who refused hopelessness and kept trying.
  • When a person performs extraordinary work, then he becomes an officer of fame.
  • It is more important to have a liberated mind than to acquire knowledge.